26 research outputs found

    Masjid dan Hubungannya dengan Pembentukan Masyarakat yang Cemerlang

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    Masjid merupakan institusi suci bagi umat Islam untuk menunaikan amal ibadat, mengadakan majlis keagamaan, serta menjadi pusat pembangunan sosial masyarakat Islam yang unggul. Di Masjid masyarakat Islam berkumpul dan berinteraksi di antara satu sama lain menerusi pelbagai aktiviti dan program yang dianjurkan untuk mengimarahkan masjid. Namun masih terdapat masyarakat masa kini yang tidak memahami konsep dan maksud sebenar peranan masjid, sehingga masjid seringkali disalah tafsir sebagai hanya sebagai tempat beribadat bagi umat Islam sahaja. Hakikatnya masjid adalah merupakan tempat ibadah serta meningkatkan keimanan untuk mencari petunjuk dari Allah SWT. Masjid juga merupakan tempat untuk memperkasa jiwa sesorang Mukmin yang mencari keredaan Allah SWT

    Media Sosial dan Pembentukan Budaya Menurut Islam

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    Pembentukan budaya pada era globalisasi ini amat dipengaruhi oleh media sosial. Media merupakan medium yang digunakan secara atas talian bagi pengguna untuk menyertai, berkongsi, dan mencipta isi. Menurut Islam, media sosial perlu membawa masyarakat ke arah kebaikan yang tercakup di dalamnya unsur-unsur al-bir (kebajikan) dan altaqwa, kerana media sosial mempunyai peranan sebagai agen yang membantu mencorakkan budaya masyarakat. Dalam kajian ini, kami fokus kepada peranan media sosial dalam pembentukan budaya melalui aspek pemakaian, pemakanan, bahasa, sambutan perayaan dan cara hidup masyarakat di Malaysia menurut Islam

    Restlessness among the pupils in Islamic education subject: application model measurement Rasch

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    Anxiety or restlessness is an affective psychological variable that could affect the life of students significantly. In Malaysia, anxiety is one of the factors influencing subject performance especially among primary school students. Thus, a study of anxiety in Islamic Studies should be conducted to identify the problem. Also lack of previous study investigate the indicators of Islamic education subject anxiety specifically. Thus, this study aims to identify students’ experience anxiety level for Islamic Education subject and to build a hierarchy of students' experience anxiety based on the Parkinsons’ Four Factor Theory. A total of 83 primary school students were selected by using simple random sampling to become the respondents in this study. The respondents were asked to complete Anxiety Scale which measure students’ appraisal, arousal, action tendencies and also face expression throughout the process and situations in learning Islamic education. All the collected data were analysed by using measure rank analysis by applying Rasch Measurement Model to identify the rank of the four indicators of Islamic education anxiety. Results show that students experience relatively moderate level of anxiety in learning Islamic education. Besides, within the four indicators of Islamic education anxiety, appraisal towards external stimulus rank the highest while action tendencies rank the lowest. The results of this study have great implications for Islamic Education Teacher in identifying and improving communication with students experiencing anxiety in learning Islamic education at class

    Keresahan murid dalam mata pelajaran pendidikan Islam: aplikasi model pengukuran Rasch

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    Anxiety or restlessness is an affective psychological variable that could affect the life of students significantly. In Malaysia, anxiety is one of the factors influencing subject performance especially among primary school students. Thus, a study of anxiety in Islamic Studies should be conducted to identify the problem. Also lack of previous study investigate the indicators of Islamic education subject anxiety specifically. Thus, this study aims to identify students’ experience anxiety level for Islamic Education subject and to build a hierarchy of students' experience anxiety based on the Parkinsons’ Four Factor Theory. A total of 83 primary school students were selected by using simple random sampling to become the respondents in this study. The respondents were asked to complete Anxiety Scale which measure students’ appraisal, arousal, action tendencies and also face expression throughout the process and situations in learning Islamic education. All the collected data were analysed by using measure rank analysis by applying Rasch Measurement Model to identify the rank of the four indicators of Islamic education anxiety. Results show that students experience relatively moderate level of anxiety in learning Islamic education. Besides, within the four indicators of Islamic education anxiety, appraisal towards external stimulus rank the highest while action tendencies rank the lowest. The results of this study have great implications for Islamic Education Teacher in identifying and improving communication with students experiencing anxiety in learning Islamic education at class

    The concept of Wasatiyyah in governing the Muslim community of Singapore

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    Wasatiyyah is the original nature of Islam, therefore Allah calls Muslims as ummatan wasatan. The principle of wasatiyyah is the reason why Islamic sharia can be relevant to be practiced anywhere and at all times, including in secular countries such as Singapore. This article discusses the concept of wasatiyyah implemented by MUIS and related institutions in governing the Muslim community in Singapore. The research method in this article is qualitative with a literature review approach. The collected data was analyzed using the opinion of scholars or experts in the field of sharia law. From the results of this study, the author concludes that in governing the Muslim community of Singapore, MUIS and related institutions have adopted the concept of wasatiyyah

    Ratib al-Attas menurut perspektif al-Quran dan hadis

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    This article aims to evaluate the source of 17 dhikr in Ratib al-Άttas based on Quran, Hadith and scholar views on the meaning and purpose of dhikr. Applications Ratib al-Attas ceremony was conducted over 90 years ago in the state of Johor. In addition, the application Ratib al-Άttas assessment and justification is given from the perspective of Islamic practices. The method used is by clarifying the position of remembrance 17 Ratib al-Άttas more reliable by practitioners; avoid confusion and misunderstanding of the doctrine of Ratib al-Attas. The results showed that all 17 dhikr Ratib al-Άttas and the practice carried out are consistent with the arguments of al-Quran and Hadith. Based on this finding several suggestions is made to encourage the expend development of dhikr al-Άttas Ratib practice among the Muslim community in Malaysia

    Higher education selection using simple additive weighting

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    The process of selecting a college should be based on the capabilities and needs of the community. When society is faced with a large selection of college criteria and most societies are confused about choosing the appropriate college for themselves and the job demands. From this it was made a decision support system aimed at helping the community to choose a college that suits the ability and demands of the work. Decision support system plays a role in helping people get the right recommendations in the selection of universities. This decision support system is also designed to help the community to choose a college that suits their needs so that the public is not confused because of the many criteria of universities faced by the community because the admin already has recommendations according to the needs of the community by using Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method

    The family hope program using AHP method

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    The Government program in tackling the economic crisis that has occurred so far is by providing direct assistance to very poor families (KSM) in every village throughout Indonesia. The Family Hope Program (FHP) is one of the government's conditional aid programs as a form of compensation from the fuel price increase, which certainly affects the lives of the wider community, including the poor. In order for the expected results to be more accurate and the system designed is arranged systematically, the authors decided to use Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This decision support model will describe the problem of multi-factor or multi-criteria into a form of hierarchy, From the results of the test the shrill and weight of FHP assistance is the type of work of the head of the family is not fixed in the first rank with 4.9 shrill. With the results of the output is feasible or not prospective recipient in FHP, obtained from the comparison of the lamda weight of the rating category with the weight value of the predetermined ratio

    Determination of the best quail eggs using simple additive weighting

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    Eggs are livestock products contributed greatly to the achievement of the nutritional adequacy of the public; the egg is a food that is very good for children who are growing because it contains nutrients such as a complete protein, fat, vitamins and minerals that are easy to digest. One of the eggs are much in demand by children are quail eggs. The nutritional value of quail eggs is not less than the nutritional value of eggs containing 12.8% protein and 11.5% fat. Quail eggs are good quality will have good nutritional value anyway. To determine the quality of a good quail eggs will require an expert system. The method used in determining the quality of a good quail eggs using Simple Additive weighting method. The criteria in this research that egg size, style/color of the shell, the shell thickness, shell texture, shape and cleanliness of quail eggs. With the expert system is expected to assist farmers in determining the quail eggs quail egg quality so that the people can consume quail eggs that have good nutritional value. The results of this study showed an alternative ranking first in C with a value of 0.95, ranking second D with a value of 0.7208, ranking third E with a value of 0675, ranking the fourth A with a value of 0.4542 and ranking last in the B with a value of 0.4541

    Poverty level grouping using SAW method

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    Poverty is social gap problem for some people with below average income level but in Pringsewu district the poverty rate is significantly decreased so it is expected to increase the potential of Pringsewu region to be better, in increasing the potential of the region it needs a system that is expected to assist in determination of poverty level in sub district in Pringsewu by data clustering and ranking from every subdistrict in Pringsewu Regency using SAW method. Therefore, we are interested to build an application of Poverty Grouping in Pringsewu region in the form of Poverty Index of the last few years, existing data is expected to be a reference to increase the potential of the area by reducing the poverty rate every year. It is expected that the data obtained can be a reference of the government in reducing poverty level in subdistrics in Pringsewu District